🗃️ Develop Locally
3 items
📄️ Sponsored Transactions
As outlined in AIP-39,sponsored transactions allow one account to pay the fees associated with executing a transaction for another account, essentially setting up a fee payer. Sponsored transactions simplify the process for onboarding users into applications by allowing the application to cover all associated fees for interacting with the Aptos blockchain. Here are two examples:
📄️ Transaction Management
This guide explains how to build a transaction management harness that can scale on the Aptos blockchain.
📄️ Rotating an authentication key
Aptos Move accounts have a public address, an authentication key, a public key, and a private key. The public address is permanent, always matching the account's initial authentication key.
📄️ Building Aptos From Source
Binary releases are available, but if you want to build from source or develop on the Aptos tools, this is how.